Sunday, March 17, 2024

Heard and Said

 How old are they?

They're three and five.

Such fun ages.

Do you want to continue your pregnancy?

That's a ridiculous question.

I ask everyone that question.

You lied about your drug use.

I didn't lie.

I shouldn't have to fund her lifestyle.

I can't afford to take the kids out to dinner.

A kid's meal is 6.99.

Mama, I'm thinking thoughts all the time.

Did you know that when a baby starts growing, it's the size of a blueberry?

I love you more than anything.

Stop playing with your fork, for the love of god.

I'm not screaming, I'm just sad.

I'm stepping down.

Is that mom or baby?

It's baby. It's in the seventies.

I don't want to go to Daddy's house ever again. He gives us time-outs there. But he's nice to us at the visitation center.

You resent me for things that aren't my responsibility.

Daddy thinks I'm a bad kid.

They were his responsibility, but they're not mine.

Come to room 309 stat

I'm coming.

Can I sleep in your bed tonight?

Everyone starts in their own bed.

Mama, I can only do the best that I can.

I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

Mama, are you sad?

The moon is moving.

No, the clouds are moving. The moon is standing still.

Kids only need one good parent. You know that, right?

I see water.

I see you.

You don't. Nobody does. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are strong.