Tuesday, July 3, 2012

All of the Things

  • Everything really is bigger in Texas.  Like big oil, and how gas prices are at least fifty cents cheaper here than in Massachusetts because of it.  Also, the bananas.  Are huge.  Not kidding.  I carried three of them through the supermarket today and felt like I was gathering props for a low-budget porno.
  • Today was the first Monday that I haven't been at work with my girls since I started in January.  It's a bit surreal, to say the least.  Also weird: depositing my last ever paycheck on Friday, and knowing that the next time I'll be working full-time, it will be as a midwife (or nurse) - NOT as a nanny.
  • I've been reading up a storm in an effort to stockpile memories of pleasure reading before school starts and the only things I should be reading are textbooks.  Some recent favorites: NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children, by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman; Wild, by Cheryl Strayed; and The Night Circus, by Erin Morgenstern.
  • The following articles/opinion pieces made me think:
    • The Busy Trap
    • This, about "having it all," but then (thank goodness), 
    • This, about taking the whole crazy thing less seriously sometimes.
  • I saw this movie last week, Your Sister's Sister, and it was the best movie I've seen in a long, long time.  Can we have a show of hands from all the little sisters in the world whose older sisters didn't teach them about ahem, the need for trimming?  Go watch the movie, you'll understand.
  • Fun things I am doing this week in Texas, to be included in an upcoming post:
    • Ze wedding! (technically, this already happened, but since it's the reason I'm here, it deserves some proper attention)
    • pie-making
    • hair-cutting
    • day trip to Austin (we're going to the bat bridge!)
    • Rangers game
    • Half-Price Books
    • good Southern food/real bbq
    • swimming
    • sleeeeep
And those are all of the things.  Please tip your waitresses, I'll be here all night.

    1 comment:

    Unknown said...

    Day trip to Austin. :)
    And yes, the bat bridge is fantastic.

    Thank you for coming, and I'm glad your enjoying Texas.
    (totally jealous about rangers game)